Thursday, March 10, 2011


It was really strange midnight... 
sitting outside alone wiz no place 2sleep (!) 
den one reggae man talked to me. 
he told abt lov n life. 
we walked along beach n meditated seein dawn. 
he invited me 2his simple place n prepared breakfast 4me. 
we climbed d hill n enjoy beautiful scenery of busua bay... 
was it true? CAPTAIN MASCOT... 

the boys stole my canon when I left Busua, 
so no pics to prove it anymore...

stepin on d beach n shakin maracas, 
played wiz gypsies on west coast. 
violin melody n accordion sounds ascended me to paradise. 
melancholic ballad, shallow of clear ocean, infinite serene sky...
put away d shining memory in my mind. 
too bright to print out pics. 
life teach u important tin is invisible. 
be cautious. just tell my stories. 
d sequence of ivory coast n gifts of forest. 
be ready... I go n come...x